The purpose of the Junior Medical Officer (JMO) Forum is to provide an opportunity for junior doctors to meet to discuss common issues facing them as a group.
In particular, the JMO Forum provides important advocacy and representation for ‘prevocational’ doctors, or interns and RMOs who have not entered a training program. Prevocational training is an important stage of junior medical training, and the JMO Forum is one way JMOs can have an impact on how this training is delivered at hospital and state level.
The JMO Forum is supported by SA MET (the SA Health Unit that oversees prevocational training, and junior doctor job allocations in SA) however, operates as an independent reference group from and for them. The 2024 JMO Forum Chair was Dr Nikki Pennifold.
The main function of the Junior Medical Officer (JMO) Forum is to provide an opportunity for representatives from each of the teaching hospitals across the state to meet, identify and action issues facing them as a group and recommend improvements to junior doctor training. A summary of our activities are listed below:
Meetings are held five times a year and allow representatives to discuss common issues affecting them at their hospital including workplace, education, training and welfare issues. Guest speakers may also present topics of interest to the JMO Forum.
Issues that arise at meetings may be taken further by the JMO Forum. This might involve a letter or a request for a meeting with the relevant organisation (eg. a hospital, Local Health Network (LHN), South Australian Education and Training (SA MET) Unit, or Department of Health representative). It is an important part of the advocacy of the JMO Forum to follow up and ensure appropriate solutions are worked towards.
National JMO Committee
Each State and Territory in Australia has its own JMO Forum and the Chairs of each JMO Forum (including SA) sit on a national committee (the Australian Prevocational Medical Officers Committee, APMOC).
Medical Education & Training Forum
Each year, a major national medical education conference takes place, focussing on prevocational training (internship and early junior doctor training). The JMO Forum encourages attendance, and supports the committee to attend by coordinating sponsorship of attendance from hospitals, SA MET and the Department of Health. In addition, the JMO Forum hopes to present projects at the conference and will be looking for JMOs interested in participating as project leads and presenters.
The Junior Medical Officer (JMO) Forum is a representative committee comprising “reps” elected from each of the major hospitals/Local Health Networks (LHNs) as follows:
Hospital/Network Representatives
Central Adelaide Local Health Network: Up to five interns and 2-3 PGY2+ representatives
Southern Adelaide Local Health Network: Up to four interns and 2-3 PGY2+ representatives
Northern Adelaide Local Health Network: Up to four interns and 2-3 PGY2+ representatives
Rural Local Health Networks: 1-2 interns, or PGY2+ representatives
Training Representatives
The Adelaide Prevocational Psychiatry Program (TAPPP): Up to three PGY2+ representatives
Women’s and Children’s Health Network (WCHN): Up to three PGY2+ representatives
(Inclusive of 1 Obstetrics Representative and 1 Paediatrics Representative preferred)
Student Representatives
One student representative from Adelaide Medical Students’ Society (AMSS) and a Proxy
One student representative from Flinders Medical Students’ Society (FMSS) and a Proxy
Clinical Advisors
2-3 senior doctors (PGY4+) can be appointed to oversee discussion and provide advice on issues raised.
Co-opted members are determined by the JMO Forum.
The JMO Forum is chaired by a PGY2+ representative (or above), who sat on the committee the previous year. A Deputy Chair is elected at the start of each calendar year from one of the intern representatives.
The JMO Forum meets five times a year.
For any questions regarding the SA JMO Forum, please contact the Chair, via the SA MET Unit.
2025 meeting dates