Rural Medical Expo for Medical Students and Junior Doctors
Saturday, 5 April 2025 9.30 am to 12 noon
Book your free ticket via by 26 March
Please click here for further information: Rural Medical Expo Flyer
The Limestone Coast Local Health Network (LCLHN) is part of SA Health and covers the areas including the towns and surrounds of Millicent, Naracoorte, Kingston SE, Penola, Mount Gambier, Keith and Bordertown, extending to the Victorian border. LCLHN provide services including accident and emergency, day and inpatient surgery, aboriginal health, obstetric services, community-based health services and aged care services.
To find out more about LCLHN services click here.
Mount Gambier:
Mount Gambier and Districts Health Service (MGDHS) is part of the Limestone Coast Local Health Network. We provide specialist-led acute services including accident and emergency, surgical (including day surgery), obstetric, paediatric, internal medicine, mental health (in and outpatient), anaesthetic services, Aboriginal health and community health services.
MGDHS is the major regional health provider for the lower, mid and upper South East regions with other facilities located nearby in Bordertown, Keith, Kingston, Lucindale, Millicent, Naracoorte and Penola. The catchment area also extends across the border into Western Victoria.
MGDHS services and facilities include:
- Emergency Department including:
- two resuscitation rooms, fast track treatment areas, multiple treatment bays
- negative pressure isolation room and
- separate paediatric area.
- 37 bed Medical Unit including rehabilitation beds
- 27 bed Surgical Unit
- 14 bed Level 4 Maternity Unit with 3 birthing suites
- 2 cot Level 4 neonatal nursery
- 6 bed Paediatric Unit
- 6 bed High Dependency Unit
- 6 bed Mental Health Inpatient Unit
- 11 Day Surgery Chairs
- 4 Operating Theatres
- 6 chair Chemotherapy Unit
- 6 chair Renal Dialysis Unit
- 12 room outpatient Consulting Suite
- 2 out-patient procedures rooms
- Pre-Admission Clinics
Co-located at the Hospital site are the following services:
- Benson Radiology
- SA Pathology
- SA Pharmacy
- Country Health Connect
- South Australian Dental Services
- South East Mental Health Services – inpatient, intermediate care, community-based care
- Drug and Alcohol Services
- Rehabilitation Service
- Renal Dialysis Service
- Aboriginal Health Services
Mount Gambier is the second most populated city in South Australia. It is located 17 kms from the Victorian border and lies approximately halfway between Adelaide and Melbourne making metropolitan adventures easily accessible.
Striking the ideal balance between the vibrant lifestyle of the big city and comforts of a small town in the heart of the Limestone Coast, including a vibrant café culture, surrounded by signature wine regions boasting social experiences including cellar door, picnics, tours and multiple food and wine festivals throughout the year. Mount Gambier is the perfect base for exploration of the unique landscape and the natural beauty of our region– be it our iconic blue lake, our many caves, sinkholes, parks, and beaches. Mount Gambier offers opportunity for diverse recreational activities including diving, fishing, and water sports. For the elite or casual sporting enthusiast Mount Gambier also offers a strong team sport and athletic culture.
Mount Gambier Hospital is located approximately 3 kms from the city centre with free secure staff parking and café onsite. It is easy to get around Mount Gambier, but private transport is highly recommended in particular to attend GP rotations.
Find out more about Lifestyle.
We warmly invite you to become a valued member of the healthcare team and our local community by completing your internship at Limestone Coast Local Health Network (LCLHN).
Here in the Limestone Coast, you will have the opportunity to get a broad practical experience with rotations being offered in Emergency Medicine, General Medicine, General Surgery, Anaesthetics and General Practice, and Orthopaedics. You will gain valuable experiences to improve your confidence and knowledge, you will also be able to challenge yourself in a supportive environment. The working culture at LCLHN embraces teamwork and all team members are highly valued for the skills and knowledge they contribute to patient care.
Being a member of a smaller cohort of interns, you will develop close working relationships with your junior and senior medical colleagues including consultants and have access to individual support from the Medical Education Team.
This internship will set you up well for future specialty training or a rural generalist career with the potential to continue your PGY2+ years in a rural setting.
An insight into work and life in the Limestone Coast
Mount Gambier:
The Director of Clinical Training (DCT), Medical Education Officer, and Program Administrator make-up the Medical Education Team and are located onsite.
The Medical Education Unit provide a comprehensive educational program addressing the requirements of the Australian Curriculum Framework for Junior Doctors (ACFJD). Formal teaching sessions include:
- A five-day orientation to the hospital prior to the commencement of the internship.
- Weekly Intern Tutorial Program:
- Tutorial attendance is protected and paid time for interns.
- The program is developed in collaboration with interns and term supervisors delivered by local and visiting specialists covering core skill requirements.
- Monthly Grand Rounds.
- Additional training workshops presented by local and visiting specialists.
- Clinical simulation scenario-based workshops conducted 3-5 times per year.
- Time to attend sim is paid and protected.
- Funded wellbeing and outside of work activities chosen by the Junior doctor cohort.
In addition, there are regular teaching rounds for interns and opportunities for case presentations, with access to online resources.
Mount Gambier:
There is a nominated supervisor for each rotation who will meet with junior doctors individually to provide feedback and conduct mid and end-of-term assessments. Supervisors are encouraged to give regular feedback to their junior doctors on a day-to-day basis and are trained and supported to provide feedback.
Relocation assistance is up to a maximum of $13,000 for the Limestone Coast with further information available on the SA Health Website.
The Medical Education Unit and Director of Medical Services have an open-door policy where junior doctors are encouraged to drop in to discuss any issues or concerns, they might have. The DCT and MEO also conduct confidential appraisals that are held in the middle of each rotation as an opportunity the trainee medical officer to raise any concerns they may have, provide feedback on rotations, seek career guidance etc.
The Medical Education Unit are responsible for orientation, pastoral support, and coordination of the education program for junior doctors.
Mount Gambier:
MGDHS has accredited terms for interns in General Surgery, General Medicine, Emergency Medicine, Anaesthetics, Orthopaedics and General Practice. The General Practice terms are based in either Mt Gambier, Naracoorte with potential for the coastal towns of Kingston and Robe.
When allocating rotations, intern preferences and annual leave requests will be taken into consideration along with the number of available positions and the service requirements of the hospital. Every effort is made to ensure that rotations reflect the intern’s preferences, interest and career direction.
Trainees are rostered in line with the SA Health Salaried Medical Officers Enterprise Agreement (SMOEA) 2022, with Interns being rostered to work weekdays and weekends, with no requirement for night shifts in the intern year.
The Director of Clinical Training (DCT), Medical Education Officer, and Program Administrator make-up the Medical Education Team and are located onsite
The Medical Education Unit provide a comprehensive educational program addressing the requirements of the Australian Curriculum Framework for Junior Doctors (ACFJD). Educational teaching sessions include:
- Weekly Tutorial Program:
- Tutorial attendance is encouraged.
- The program is developed in collaboration with training medical officers, interns and term supervisors delivered by local and visiting specialists covering core skill requirements.
- Monthly Grand Rounds.
- Additional training workshops presented by local and visiting specialists.
- Opportunity to attend clinical simulation scenario-based workshops conducted 3-5 times per year.
- Funded wellbeing and outside of work activities chosen by the Junior doctor cohort.
There is a nominated supervisor for each rotation who will meet with training medical officers individually to provide feedback and conduct mid and end-of-term assessments. Supervisors are encouraged to give regular feedback to their junior doctors on a day-to-day basis and are trained and supported to provide feedback.
Relocation assistance is up to a maximum of $13,000 for the Limestone Coast with further information available on the SA Health Website.
The Medical Education Unit and Director of Medical Services have an open-door policy where junior doctors are encouraged to drop in to discuss any issues or concerns, they might have. The DCT and MEO also conduct confidential appraisals that are held in the middle of each rotation as an opportunity the trainee medical officer to raise any concerns they may have, provide feedback on rotations, seek career guidance etc.
The Medical Education Unit are responsible for orientation, pastoral support, and coordination of the education program for junior doctors.
For information about the intern application process, please refer to the SA Health Careers website.
Last updated: March 2025