The documents below include information of the Expression of Interest process, important dates, information about training positions, eligibility criteria and frequently asked questions and the presentation from the 2025 (Clinical Year) recruitment process.
The following training opportunities are currently available at SA Health via the centralised PGY2 and Beyond Positions Expression of Interest process (2025 Clinical Year Recruitment).
Information Pack 2025: PGY3+ Rural Generalist Anaesthetics ACRGA Metro-Based Positions
This full-year role enables the requisite exposure to rural anaesthetics cases to meet the requirement of the Australian College or Rural and Remote Medicine Advanced Specialist Training in Anaesthetics (ACRRM AST Anaesthetics) and Royal Australian College of General Practice – FRACGP-RG ARST requirements in rural GP Anaesthetics via the Advanced Certificate of Rural Generalist Anaesthesia (ACRGA).
This position is available to Postgraduate Year 3 and above (PGY3+).
The Trainee will gain experience in Anaesthetics with particular focus on patients living in Adelaide. The program offers generous opportunities to learn a wide range of practical skills.
It is mandatory for the successful candidate to enrol in and complete the Advanced Certificate of Rural Generalist Anaesthesia qualification over the 12 months. This post is designed to be undertaken as part of rural generalist training through either GP College, with a view to practicing as a Rural Generalist Anaesthetist. Preference is given to applicants committed to a career in rural practice within South Australia.
Information Pack 2025: PGY3+ BHFLHN Mt Barker District Soldiers Memorial Hospital Rural Generalist Emergency Medicine Advanced
This full-year role enables the requisite exposure to rural emergency cases to meet the requirements of the Australian College or Rural and Remote Medicine Advanced Specialised Training in Emergency Medicine (ACRRM AST EM) and Royal Australian College of General Practice – FRACGP-RG ARST requirements including Diploma of Emergency Medicine.
This position is available to Postgraduate Year 3 and above (PGY3+).
We strongly encourage the successful candidate to enrol in a formal Rural Generalist Emergency Medicine training program. This post is best undertaken as part of rural generalist training through either GP College. Preference is given to applicants committed to a career in small town rural practice or regional emergency department service provision.
Information Pack 2025: PGY3+ BHFLHN Southern Fleurieu Health Service Rural Generalist Emergency Medicine Advanced
This full-year role enables the requisite exposure to rural emergency cases to meet the requirements of the Australian College or Rural and Remote Medicine Advanced Specialised Training in Emergency Medicine (ACRRM AST EM) and Royal Australian College of General Practice – FRACGP-RG requirements including Diploma of Emergency Medicine.
This position is available to Postgraduate Year 3 and above (PGY3+).
We strongly encourage the successful candidate to enrol in a formal Rural Generalist Emergency Medicine training program. This post is best undertaken as part of rural generalist training through either GP College. Preference is given to applicants committed to a career in small town rural practice or regional emergency department service provision.
Information Pack 2025: PGY2+ Eyre and Far North Local Health Network Rural Generalist General Training
The program aims to provide TMOs with key experiences in the management of patients in the rural setting. In particular a comprehensive experience in rural general practice, providing both primary care and inpatient care to local communities. The Core Clinical experiences are mapped to the requirements of RACGP and ACRRM. TMOs will acquire a more ‘hands-on’ experience in all aspects of patient care including procedural skills and management of critical patients under close supervision and support of senior staff. This will serve as an excellent pathway for in Rural Generalist Training or those intending to pursue general practice as well as other specialist training.
Advanced Skills Training program in obstetrics, anaesthetics, emergency medicine and mental health are available for PGY3+.
Information Pack 2025: PGY3+ EFNLHN Port Lincoln ARANZCOG (P)
The EFNLHN Port Lincoln ARANCOG (P) training program is suitable for candidates preparing for a career in rural General Practice or those preparing to apply for the Royal Australasian and New Zealand College of Obstetrics and Gynaecologists (RANZCOG) integrated Training program. The program offers generous opportunities to learn a wide range of practical and procedural skills in a rural setting.
This rotation is based in the Boston Bay Family Health Practice for the full 12 months, and is open to postgraduate year 2 and above (PGY2+). Preference is given to applicants committed to rural GP obstetrics. We expect the successful candidate to enrol in the ARANZCOG (P) in preparation for commencing the post and seek to provide tailored support for your training.
Information Pack 2025: PGY2+ Flinders and Upper North Local Health Network Rural Generalist General Training
The program aims to provide TMOs with key experiences in the management of patients in the rural setting. In particular a comprehensive experience in rural general practice, providing both primary care and inpatient care to local communities. The Core Clinical experiences are mapped to the requirements of RACGP and ACRRM. TMOs will acquire a more ‘hands-on’ experience in all aspects of patient care including procedural skills and management of critical patients under close supervision and support of senior staff. This will serve as an excellent pathway for in Rural Generalist Training or those intending to pursue general practice as well as other specialist training.
Advanced Skills Training program in obstetrics, anaesthetics, emergency medicine and mental health are available for PGY3+.
Information Pack 2025: PGY3+ FUNLHN Whyalla Rural Generalist Anaesthetics ACRGA
This full-year role enables the requisite exposure to rural anaesthetics cases to meet the requirement of the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine Advanced Specialist Training in Anaesthetics (ACRRM AST Anaesthetics) and Royal Australian College of General Practice – FRACGP-RG ARST requirements in rural GP Anaesthetics via Advanced Certificate of Rural Generalist Anaesthesia.
This position is available to Postgraduate Year 3 and above (PGY3+).
The Trainee will gain experience in Rural Anaesthetics with particular focus on patients living in Whyalla and the Northern and Eyre regions of rural South Australia. The program offers generous opportunities to learn a wide range of practical skills in a rural setting.
It is mandatory for the successful candidate to enrol in and complete the ACRGA qualifications over the 12 months. This post is designed to be undertaken as part of rural generalist training through either GP College, with a view to practicing as a Rural Generalist Anaesthetist. Preference is given to applicants committed to a career in rural practice within South Australia.
Information Pack 2025: PGY2+ Limestone Coast Local Health Network Rural Generalist General Training
We invite you to become a valued member of the healthcare team in addition to the local community in Mount Gambier and Naracoorte. This Training Program will set you up well for a rural generalist career. There are opportunities within both the General (non-specialist) Training Program and General Practice Training Program to undertake rotations in General Medicine, Emergency Medicine, Paediatrics, General Surgery, General Practice/Anaesthetics and General Practice/Obstetrics.
This position can be undertaken as part of rural generalist training with either GP College. Preference is given to applicants committed to a career in rural or regional practice where they will provide inpatient medical care.
Information Pack 2025: PGY3+ LCLHN Mount Gambier Adult Internal Medicine Advanced Skills
This is a full-year, full-time position, and fulfils the requirements for both RACGP FRACGP-RG and ACRRM AST positions. The position involves providing medical inpatient and outpatient services to the General Medical Ward at Mount Gambier Hospital. It will involve some out of hours and on call work, supervised by a consultant physician.
This rotation is available to candidates who are Postgraduate Year 3 and above (PGY3+) and enrolled in Rural Generalist Training with either ACRRM or RACGP.
Information Pack 2025: PGY3+ LCLHN Mount Gambier Rural Generalist Anaesthetics
This full-year role enables the requisite exposure to rural anaesthetic cases to meet the requirements of Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine Advanced Specialised Training in Anaesthetics (ACRRM AST Anaesthetics) and Royal Australian College of General Practice FRACGP-RG ARST requirements in rural GP Anaesthetics.
This position is available to Postgraduate Year 3 and above (PGY3+).
We expect the successful candidate to enrol in and complete the Advanced Certificate in Rural Generalist Anaesthesia (formerly Diploma of Rural Generalist Anaesthesia). This position is best undertaken as part of rural generalist training through either College with a view to practicing as a GP Anaesthetist. Preference is given to applicants committed to a career in rural practice within South Australia.
Information Pack 2025: PGY3+ LCLHN Mount Gambier Rural Generalist Emergency Medicine Training
This full-year role enables the requisite exposure to rural emergency cases to meet the requirements of the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine Advanced Specialised Training in Emergency Medicine (ACRRM AST EM) and Fellowship in Advanced Rural General Practice (FRACGP-RG) requirements including Diploma of Emergency Medicine.
This position is available to Postgraduate Year 3 and above (PGY3+).
We strongly encourage the successful candidate to enrol in a formal Rural Generalist Emergency Medicine training program. This position is best undertaken as part of rural generalist training through either GP College. Preference is given to applicants committed to a career in small town rural practice or regional emergency department service provision.
Information Pack 2025: PGY3+ LCLHN Mount Gambier Paediatric Medicine
This full-year role meets the requirements for RACGP Additional Rural Skills Training (ARST) and ACRRM Advanced Specialised Training (AST), as well as the selection pre-requisites for both colleges.
This position is available to Postgraduate Year 3 and above (PGY3+).
This position is best undertaken as part of rural generalist training through either GP College. Preference is given to applicants committed to a career in rural practice within South Australia.
Information Pack 2025: PGY3+ LCLHN Mount Gambier ARANZCOG (P) part-time
The full-year half-time nature of this role may enable the requisite exposure to obstetrics and gynaecological cases in the rural setting to meet the requirements of the RANZCOG Associate Training Program (Procedural) when combined with working part-time in a general practice which provides comprehensive antenatal care.
This rotation is best undertaken in combination with a half-time General Practice training year through either GP College. Preference is given to applicants committed to rural GP obstetrics.
This position is available to Postgraduate Year 3 and above (PGY3+).
The successful candidate must also prospectively seek accreditation for their training with RANZCOG in preparation for commencing the position and we seek to provide tailored support for your training.
Information Pack 2024: PGY2 NALHN ENT Surgery Service
Lyell McEwin and Modbury Hospitals
Information for the 2025 Clinical Year will be available shortly.
The ENT surgery service positions consist of 12 months of full-time clinical work, one position based at Modbury Hospital and one position based at Lyell McEwin Hospital. Applicants will preference which location they wish to work within the online application form. There are very good opportunities for the service registrars to be exposed to a wide range of ORLHNS surgical procedures including general ENT procedures, otology, facial plastics, rhinology, and some head and neck procedures.
Information Pack 2025: PGY2+ Rural Generalist General Training Pathway – Riverland Academy of Clinical Excellence
Our PGY2 program will provide you with rural emergency medicine, anaesthetics, women’s health, paediatrics, general practice and mental health options critical for advantaging you to gain entrance to Fellowship training. And once enrolled with either ACRRM or RACGP, your registrar advanced skills and general practice learning is covered too! Or you can choose to use our program, and the networks you make with other specialists in our region, as the springboard for other specialist training in Adelaide or elsewhere.
You will have opportunities to work with experienced healthcare teams, under personalised supervision of experienced rural clinicians, challenge yourself and gain valuable experience with hands-on procedural skills. You will work in a network of hospitals, general practices, aboriginal health services, community, mental health and aged care services in our region that provide high quality care close to home for our 70,000 residents.
Information Pack 2025: PGY3+ Rural Generalist Adult Internal Medicine – Riverland Academy of Clinical Excellence
This is a full-year, full-time position, and fulfils the requirements for both RACGP FRACGP-RG ARST and ACRRM AST positions. The position involves providing medical inpatient and outpatient services to the General Medical Ward at Riverland General Hospital in Berri. It will involve some out of hours and on call work, supervised by a consultant physician.
The rotation is available to candidates who are Postgraduate Year 3 and above (PGY3+) and enrolled in Rural Generalist Training with either ACRRM or RACGP.
This role is also appropriate for College of Intensive Care Medicine (CICM) trainees requiring rural rotation. Please include this within your Curriculum Vitae.
Information Pack 2025: PGY3+ Rural Generalist Emergency Medicine – Riverland Academy of Clinical Excellence
This full-year role enables the requisite exposure to rural emergency cases to meet the requirements of the ACRRM Advanced Specialised Training in Emergency Medicine (ACRRM AST EM) and Royal Australian College of General Practice – FRACGP-RG requirements including Diploma of Emergency Medicine.
This position is available to Postgraduate Year 3 and above (PGY3+). We strongly encourage the successful candidate to enrol in a formal Rural Generalist Emergency Medicine training program. This post is best undertaken as part of rural generalist training through either GP College. Preference is given to applicants committed to a career in small town rural practice or regional emergency department service provision.
This role is also appropriate for College of Intensive Care Medicine (CICM) trainees requiring rural rotation. Please include this within your Curriculum Vitae.
Information Pack 2025: PGY3+ RMCLHN Rural Generalist Anaesthetics ACRGA – Riverland Academy of Clinical Excellence
This full year role provides you with the requisite exposure to rural anaesthetics cases to meet the requirement of the Australian College or Rural and Remote Medicine Advanced Specialist Training in Anaesthetics (ACRRM AST Anaesthetics) and Royal Australian College of General Practice – FRACGP-RG ARST requirements in rural GP Anaesthetics via the Advanced Certificate of Rural Generalist Anaesthesia (ACRGA).
This position is available to Postgraduate Year 3 and above (PGY3+).
The program offers generous opportunities to learn a wide range of practical and skills in a rural setting.
We expect the successful candidate to enrol in and complete the Advanced Certificate of Rural Generalist Anaesthesia (ACRGA) qualifications over the 12 months. This post is best undertaken as part of rural generalist training through either GP College, with a view to practicing as a GP Anaesthetist. Preference is given to applicants committed to a career in rural practice within South Australia.
Information Pack 2025: PGY2+ SALHN Prevocational Acute and Critical Care Program
The purpose of the SALHN Prevocational Acute and Critical Care program is to provide TMOs with specialised training in acute care medicine, specifically in the areas of intensive care, emergency medicine, and anaesthetics. The program aims to develop the knowledge, skills, and confidence of TMOs in acute care so that they can provide high-quality care to patients and to also demonstrate clinical experience as part of future training requirements, such as for entry to vocational training.
Information Pack 2025: PGY3+ SALHN Prevocational Emergency Medicine Program
The SALHN Prevocational Emergency Medicine Program is specifically designed to provide Trainee Medical Officers (Residents) with specialised experience in emergency medicine, fostering the development of knowledge, skills, and confidence for those interested in emergency medicine or related fields such as critical care, general practice, or paediatrics.
This position is available to Postgraduate Year 3 and above (PGY3+).
You can expect to be exposed to a wide range of emergency presentations, acting as role models and mentors for interns and medical students while also receiving support to develop skills necessary for ACEM training program application.
Information Pack 2025: PGY2+ The Adelaide Prevocational Psychiatry Program TAPPP
Operates as a Statewide Network
The Adelaide Pre-Vocational Psychiatry Training Program (TAPPP) positions are suitable for Trainee Medical Officers (TMO) looking to gain prevocational experience in Psychiatry, and for GP and other speciality trainees who would like to gain an increased exposure to psychiatry training. This program provides an opportunity for doctors to increase their knowledge in managing mental health conditions without enrolling in a specialist training program.
TAPPP offers a 12 month pre-vocational TMO training program; the first of its kind within Australia. TAPPP promotes and encourages participants who have an interest in psychiatry as a future career, but also those who are considering specialities such as emergency medicine and general practice (GP) where mental health issues are highly represented. The program is accredited for GP trainees as a general hospital rotation or as an “extended skills” post.
NOTE: TAPPP have been approved to maintain their 6-month terms. Those who successfully complete their TAPPP year will be eligible to obtain their PGY2 AMC Certificate of Completion. .
Information Pack 2025: PGY2+ Statewide General Training General Practice Training
The General Trainee (GT) Program is for prevocational trainees who are yet to decide on which specialty pathway to take or for General Practice (GP) trainees who require 12 months hospital experience prior to rotating to the community. You should expect to receive a well-balanced training program with rotations allocated to multiple different specialties.
Central Adelaide Local Health Network, Northern Adelaide Local Health Network and Southern Adelaide Local Health Network recruit positions as a statewide network. Information on Rural GT/GP positions can be found above. Women’s and Children’s GT/GP positions have been renamed to Women’s and Children’s Prevocational Resident Program, information can be found below.
Information Pack 2025: PGY2+ Statewide BPT Adult Medicine
The Statewide BPT leads held an online recruitment information session on Thursday 20 June 2024. To view the recording click here. Passcode: D.7sEtH2
Basic Physician Training is the first step in a minimum six-year training program with the RACP to become a Physician. During Basic Physician Training in Adult Medicine, you will:
> Experience working in diverse medical specialties with a broad focus in Adult Internal Medicine.
> Complete training rotations with a range of hospitals and health services.
> Build on the clinical knowledge and skills gained during your medical degree to develop the professional qualities, attitudes and behaviours you need to become a competent Physician.
Once you have completed Basic Training, you will be eligible to commence Advanced Training in an adult medicine specialty. After completing both Basic and Advanced Training, you will be eligible to register to practice as a specialist physician in Australia or New Zealand.
Information Pack 2025: PGY2+ Medical Service Resident
These positions work exclusively within the Division of Medicine generally within General Medicine and the Acute Medical Unit. Residents may also be provided with the opportunity to undertake rotations in a sub-specialty unit. Suitable for candidates who have not yet decided on a specialist training program or wish to obtain more medical experience. The exposure to Medicine is more extensive than would be experienced with a single term rotation.
Residents can also potentially act in a more senior position than a General Resident.
Information Pack 2025: PGY2+ Statewide Surgical Resident Medical Officer
The Surgical RMO Program is designed to provide trainees of PGY2+ with maximum exposure to a variety of surgical rotations and experiences, enabling them to fulfil the prerequisites required to apply for Surgical Education Training (SET) with the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (RACS). The incumbent will learn specialist skills in comprehensively assessing the patient and providing guidance for the management, investigation and ongoing treatment of the patient including discharge planning.
The Surgical RMO program is structured for trainees who are intending to register with the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (RACS) and who are working towards entry into the Surgical Education and Training program (SET). The rotations offered are designed to provide the mandatory requirements for SET entry over a 2-year employment period. Once successfully completing required components for SET training, RMOs can apply to the college for their chosen field of surgical specialty through the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons.
Information Pack 2025: PGY2+ Women’s and Children’s Hospital Prevocational Resident Program
PRP positions at WCHN offer candidates a chance to gain further prevocational experience in both Paediatrics (Medicine and Surgery) and Obstetrics and Gynaecology. This program ideally suits Trainees preparing for General Practice, entry to a Paediatric or Obstetrics and Gynaecology College or those seeking further experience in these speciality areas prior to deciding upon a final career path.
Successful applicants will be expected to fill roles in both Paediatrics and Obstetrics and Gynaecology. A number of applicants may be offered rotations in paediatrics only depending upon workforce demand.
Paediatric rotations are available in General Paediatrics, Paediatric Emergency, Relieving and Paediatric Surgery including General Surgery, Neurosurgery/Craniofacial Surgery, Ophthalmology, ENT, Plastic Surgery and Orthopaedics.
All TMOs interested in joining WCHN in 2025 are encouraged to attend the Careers Night on Wednesday 15 May 2024. To register click here.
Information Pack 2025: PGY2+ Yorke and Northern Rural Doctor Program
You will work closely with specialists, general practitioners and rural generalists in a multi-disciplinary team setting, allowing you to develop close relationships with colleagues and gain hands-on clinical experience in a supportive teaching environment. As part of a small cohort, you will benefit from individualised support provided by the Medical Education Team. You will be able to challenge yourself with procedural skills only taught to senior trainees in the metropolitan hospitals. The aim is for prevocational doctors to be able to work with supervised autonomy so that they develop confidence and skills in preparation for independent practice.
The YNRDP provides a broad range of unique clinical experiences in both hospital and primary care settings across the region. We will work with you to tailor an educational experience that suits your individual learning needs and objectives.