The SA MET Health Advisory Council accredits units, general practices, community terms and Local Health Networks (LHNs) on a four year cycle.
Accreditation for the four year maximum will be granted, with or without conditions, when a LHN is compliant with most or all Australian Medical Council’s National standards and requirements for prevocational (PGY1 and PGY2) training programs and terms. Three year, two year, twelve month, six month or provisional accreditation may be granted when issues have been noted requiring clarification or investigation.
A list of accredited terms in South Australia’s LHNs (PDF format)
A LHN may choose not to fill all accredited posts and therefore the number of posts accredited is not necessarily the number of posts funded or available for employment purposes. Additionally there may be PGY2 prevocational doctors in posts that are not included in the table but are in the process of being accredited.
The PGY2 numbers represent the upper limit of prevocational trainee posts in each specialty. These posts can be filled by vocational trainees if they are also accredited by the relevant specialty medical college.
The information provided in these tables will be updated as accreditation assessment visits occur, but stakeholders are encouraged to contact SA MET to ensure this is the most recent data.
Clinical Care Categories
In 2024, accredited intern posts transitioned from being a core medicine/emergency/surgical or non-core term to being identified across 1 or 2 clinical patient care experiences (see below). This change aligns South Australia’s accredited intern posts with the revised AMC National Framework for Prevocational Medical Training and the revised Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency’s ‘Registration Standard for Granting General Registration as a medical practitioner to Australian or New Zealand medical graduates on completion of intern training’.