The South Australian Medical Education and Training (SA MET) Health Advisory Council is accredited as an Intern Training Accreditation Authority by the Australian Medical Council (AMC) and the Medical Board of Australia. The purpose of AMC accreditation is to recognise intern training programs that promote and protect the quality and safety of patient care, and meet the needs of the interns and the health service as a whole. This is achieved through setting standards for intern training programs and recognising intern training accreditation authorities that assess programs against these standards.
In 2022, an AMC team completed an assessment of the SA MET Health Advisory Council’s prevocational accreditation functions against the AMC’s Intern training – domains for assessing accreditation authorities. In August 2023, the AMC Directors agreed that the SA MET Health Advisory Council substantially meets the domains and is accredited as an intern training accreditation authority until 31 March 2028.