
SA MET Health Advisory Council

The SA MET Health Advisory Council (the Advisory Council) has been delegated by the Medical Board of Australia (MBA) to undertake the accreditation and monitoring of all intern training positions in South Australia. The Advisory Council provides accreditation recommendations regarding intern training positions to the South Australia Board of the Medical Board of Australia.

SA MET Accreditation Committee

The Accreditation Committee assists the Advisory Council. It reviews all accreditation reports and recommendations, prior to their consideration by the Advisory Council.

South Australian Board of the Medical Board of Australia

The South Australian Board of the Medical Board of Australia considers recommendations made by the Advisory Council in relation to the accreditation status of intern positions, and provides written notification to the Advisory Council of its decision as to whether or not such recommendations have been approved for general registration purposes.

Chief Executive, SA Health and the Minister for Health and Wellbeing

The Advisory Council reports on the accreditation and monitoring of non-intern prevocational positions to the Chief Executive, SA Health and the Minister for Health.


The SA MET Unit coordinates accreditation teams to undertake site visits and supports the Accreditation Committee to make recommendations for accreditation. The SA MET Unit notifies Local Health Networks (LHNs) of all accreditation decisions made by the Advisory Council and the South Australian Board of the Medical Board of Australia.

The SA MET Unit is the single point of contact for all LHNs regarding accreditation matters (LHN representatives should not contact the South Australian Board of the Medical Board of Australia about unit or facility accreditation outcomes). Contact SA MET