Medical education and training principles

Professor Kevin Forsyth
Chair, SA MET Health Advisory Council

Our Strategic Priority

Delivering quality healthcare is at the heart of our clinical enrichment tool Medical Education and Training Principles, which demonstrates what excellence looks like when a learning culture is actively supported and achieved.

Based on the United Kingdom General Medical Council’s best-practice standards, Promoting excellence: standards for medical education and training, SA MET’s Principles enable the necessary balance between delivering quality healthcare and continuous professional development.

Developed by the SA MET Health Advisory Council Education Committee, the Principles will be one of the enablers to ensure that we have the best-equipped medical workforce possible.  Not only must our workforce be well trained, but also supported and challenged in that training using the most up-to-date medical education methods available.  Indeed, this learning is occurring across SA Health today and with every patient encounter.

A/Prof. Josephine Thomas
Chair, SA MET Education Committee

We must work together to support the next generation of professionals to be lifelong learners who possess the knowledge, strength of character and drive, to actively exemplify excellence in the provision of quality healthcare.

I encourage you to model the behaviours, and motivate and support the ongoing development of your peers and trainees, ensuring that education and training underpin the delivery of a safe, contemporary and sustainable healthcare system for our state.

Should you have any questions, wish to provide feedback on medical education and training in South Australia, or arrange a SA MET visit to present on the Principles, please email

Medical education and training principles (PDF) Medical education and training principles (PowerPoint)