Accreditation Surveyors

Accreditation Surveyors are an essential part of the prevocational accreditation process, visiting health facilities to conduct interviews and inspections for the purpose of assessment against the Australian Medical Council’s National standards and requirements for prevocational (PGY1 and PGY2) training programs and terms.  The prevocational accreditation process promotes a uniformly high standard of education and training for prevocational doctors which is fundamental in developing and sustaining a highly skilled future medical workforce.

Should you wish to be a part of shaping the future of South Australia’s medical workforce please register your interest to attend future workshops.

Alternatively please contact SA MET accreditation team on 08 8226 7231 or email

The Accreditation Surveyor Guideline has been developed for accreditation surveyors to outline the role and responsibilities, and include necessary information and tools to conduct a comprehensive accreditation assessment.