Intern and PGY2+ allocations report
The SA MET Unit administers a centralised application, allocation and offer system annually for intern positions and Postgraduate Year 2+ (Resident Medical Officer) positions on behalf of the South Australian LHNs. The reports provide an overview of statistical data and evaluations for the allocation process. View the intern and PGY2+ allocation reports.

Quality Assurance of Training Settings (QATS)
Recently the SA MET unit coordinated a survey of the quality of training experienced by junior doctors and registrars in South Australia. In December 2014, Trainee Medical Officers (TMOs) from four Local Health Networks (LHNs) were invited to share their views on their educational environment, via an online survey for the Quality Assurance of Training Settings (QATS) project.
Over 200 Trainee Medical Officers provided responses anonymously. The SA MET Unit staff have analysed this information and have prepared a report of the findings.

Quality Assurance of Training Settings (QATS) project report

Core terms in Emergency Medicine report
South Australian interns undertake the mandatory (‘core’) emergency medical care rotation in accredited positions in emergency departments (ED-settings) and selected general practice placements with emergency exposure (GP-settings). The SA MET Unit has investigated the clinical training provided in both types of setting.

Core terms in Emergency Medicine report

Supervision Survey 2011 – Final Report March 2013
Clinical supervision plays a critical role in both the patient care that junior doctors deliver, and the training they receive. This research sought to gather information about how clinical supervision is delivered and experienced in South Australia; views were elicited via online surveys from doctors across the spectrum of training and seniority, who were employed in a variety of healthcare settings.

Supervision Survey 2011 – Final Report March 2013

PDPR Program – Evaluation
The SA MET Unit supports the Professional Development Program for Registrars (PDPR) in South Australia and has undertaken an evaluation of the program in SA. The evaluation and its findings are presented in the project report below.

Professional Development Program for Registrars (PDPR) project report

Intern review
In 2014, a Review of Medical Intern Training was commissioned by the COAG (Council of Australian Governments) Health Council. The Review includes examining the current medical internship model and possible reforms which support medical graduate transition into practice, as well as further training.
The Review focuses on medical intern training in Australia, specifically four main areas. These four main areas include:
- The purpose of internship
- The effectiveness of the internship year
- The role of the internship, in supporting career decision making by doctors
- Models to support expansion of intern training settings